Hi everyone this is Prem, I have worked as Microsoft 365 Support Ambassador. In this blog I will share How to Delete Microsoft Teams Cache files.
Microsoft Teams cache files can be navigated using the file explorer. Clearing the cache files fixes most of the issues with Microsoft Teams
Steps to Delete Microsoft Teams Cache Files:
Make sure Microsoft Teams Application is completely closed.
Sign out from Teams application completely, Once Signed Out close it from the Task manager.
Search and open File explorer on your computer :

Click on This PC > then click on C drive (Windows (C:)) > then search and open Users folder:

Once you have opened the Users folder> Look for the account which you have used to login to your computer:

On my computer I have logged on to the computer using premb account.
Then click on AppData folder as shown below:

If you don’t see the AppData folder click on View tab on the File explorer > then check Hidden items
Under AppData folder click on Roaming folder:

Once In Roaming folder look for Microsoft Folder and open it:

It will have Teams folder, rename it to Teams.old, this will force Microsoft teams to build the cache data when the Microsoft teams is launched the next time:

Before renaming Teams folder to Teams.old make sure Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Teams are completely closed from the Task manager otherwise it will not allow to change the name of the folder to Teams.old:

Once the folder is renamed it should look like the above and when you launch Microsoft Teams next time it will create a new Teams folder to store the cache files.
If you have any question, let us know in the comment section.
Date: 28/02/2023
Author: Prem
Tag: How to Delete Microsoft Teams Cache Files
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