The term ‘Connect-ExchangeOnline’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, scriptfile, or operable program

Hi Everyone this is Prem, I have worked as Microsoft 365 support ambassador. In this blog I will share how to fix The term ‘Connect-ExchangeOnline’ is not recognized issue when connecting to Exchange online using Windows PowerShell.

The term 'Connect-ExchangeOnline' is not recognized

This issue Occurs if we try to run the command on the PowerShell without installing the appropriate module in the PowerShell.


The module which is required is ExchangeOnlineManagement and is required only one time to be installed, so the next time you try to connect to Exchange online using PowerShell you don’t have to install it again if you are using the same computer on which it was installed before.


Steps to fix The term ‘Connect-ExchangeOnline’ is not recognized issue:

Search for windows PowerShell on your computer and run it as an administrator.


Now we will install the ExchangeOnlineManagement module required to connect to Exchange online using the PowerShell.



Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser

Allow it to set the execution policy if prompted by entering A.


Then run this command in PowerShell: 

Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement

Allow permission to install by entering Y. 


After that run: 

Import-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement

After that run the command to connect:


The term 'Connect-ExchangeOnline' is not recognized

Enter your Global or Exchange Admin email address and password:

The term 'Connect-ExchangeOnline' is not recognized

By following the above steps you should be able fix The term ‘Connect-ExchangeOnline’ is not recognized issue and connect to exchange online using PowerShell.



Author: Prem

Tags: fix The term ‘Connect-ExchangeOnline’ is not recognized issue

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