The term ‘Get-Recipient’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program

I have worked as Microsoft 365 support ambassador. In this blog I will share How to Fix The term ‘Get-Recipient’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again error.

The term 'Get-Recipient' is not recognized

This command is available in On-premise Exchange and Exchange online environment, the parameter used for this command may be different depending on the environment.


Get-Recipient returns all mail-enabled objects (mailboxes, mail users, mail contacts, and distribution groups, etc.).


Depending on the environment you can have different fix for this error.


In your On-premise environment you will have to make sure that you are on Windows Server which has Exchange running on it and that you are running this command in Exchange Management Shell and not Windows PowerShell.


With the above checked, you should be able to run Get-Recipient command in the Exchange Management Shell without the error.


If your environment is Exchange Online, then this error can occur when the command is ran in the Windows PowerShell which is not connected to Exchange online.


Steps to Fix The term ‘Get-Recipient’ is not recognized

Use this article for detailed steps to connect it to Exchange online.


If you are connected to Exchange Online using PowerShell you should be able to run the Get-Recipient command.


Below is the syntax of the Get-Recipient command:

[-AuthenticationType ]
[-BookmarkDisplayName ]
[-Credential ]
[-DomainController ]
[-Filter ]
[-IncludeBookmarkObject ]
[-OrganizationalUnit ]
[-PropertySet ]
[-RecipientType ]
[-RecipientTypeDetails ]
[-ResultSize ]
[-SortBy ]
[-Capabilities ]
[-Properties ]


Example for the above command:

Get-Recipient -ResultSize unlimited

The above command retrieves list of all recipients in your organization.


To know more in detail about the command, Get-Recipient, refer Microsoft Official article.


Do let me know if you have any question in the comment box below.



Author: Prem

Tag: The term ‘Get-Recipient’ is not recognized

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