Hi Everyone this is Prem, I have worked as Microsoft 365 support ambassador, we see a lot of ticket for Upload Blocked errors when accessing synced documents on windows computer. I have shared How to Fix Upload Blocked errors in Office365 on this post.
If you have opened a file from a syncing location you can face this error, If you open a file from OneDrive or SharePoint it should automatically sync all the changes you make on the file, the types of file can range from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc (Auto save is the feature which saves the changes to the files you are working on when using the respective Desktop application).
How to Fix Upload Blocked errors in Office365:
If you are accessing a file on the desktop application and you see upload blocked error in the ribbon, it will not save any changes you have made to the file since you have opened it.
Before we perform any step, the first thing which we should do is to save a copy of the file on the computer as a backup so that all the changes which you have made does not get lost.
After you have save the file you can check if you have multiple account signed-in in your office application, to check, open any office application(eg. Word) and then click on your profile picture or initials of the account on the top right :
In the above example, I have only one account logged in to the Office application, admin@prems.onmicrosoft.com.
If you see multiple accounts signed in here which you don’t want, you can sign them out by clicking on Sign out.
This issue usually occurs when we have multiple accounts signed-in into office application on the same computer and it leads to conflicts between them.
After you have signed out form the unwanted accounts, check the behaviour of the office application you were getting error on.
In case you are still getting the error, lets move on to the next step.
For this step, we will still make sure first that the unnecessary accounts has been signed out from the office application.
After we have confirmed that the unnecessary accounts have been removed, we can go ahead.
Steps in order to try to Fix Upload Blocked errors in Office365 :
Open Settings on the computer > then click on Accounts option:
Then click on Access work or school:
If you see multiple accounts in here, you can Disconnect the accounts which you don’t want on your computer, only if you see the unwanted account listed as Work or School account.
Click on Disconnect > then click on Yes.
Once disconnected, you can then close and re-open the Office application on which you were having Upload Blocked errors when accessing synced documents and check the behaviour.
These were the steps which we use to Fix Upload Blocked errors in Office365, do let us know if that helped you to fix Upload Blocked errors when accessing synced documents in office365.
Date: 07/04/2023
Author: Prem
Tags: Fix Upload Blocked errors in Office365