Fixed Repeating Redirect Detected Issue Office 365

Hi Everyone this is Prem, I have worked as Microsoft 365 support ambassador. We see a lot of ticket for “Something went wrong Repeating Redirect Detected ” issue.


We have shared fixes for this issue on this post Fix Repeating Redirect Detected.


 This issue occurs when we try to access the outlook or exchange admin center on the office 365 portal. 


It mostly happens to a Admin account, so if you are a admin and you are facing this issue then this blog may help you fix the issue. 


As a Microsoft 365 Ambassador we have dealt with a lot of case around this issue, user also complains that they are getting Outlook error 500, now outlook error 500 has its own troubleshooting steps, in this post we will talk about repeating redirect detected issue exclusively.


Fix Repeating Redirect Detected Issue:

So if you are a admin who has recently created the admin account or done some modification on admin account and face this issue please follow the steps below:

Go to Microsoft 365 portal and login with the affected account or a different Global admin account (if you have any), to visit, Click on


Fixed Repeating Redirect Detected Issue Office 365


Once signed in Click on the Admin tile :

Fixed Repeating Redirect Detected Issue Office 365
Now Click on Users then Active user and search for the affected account. 
After you click on the affected account’s display name,  under roles check how many roles are assigned to your account. In the image above you can see that the “admin” account has “Global admin” role assigned to it.
Click on manage role and uncheck all the unnecessary roles assigned to the affected account (You cannot manage role of the account you are signed in with, you will have to sign in with different global admin account, If you don’t have one you can create new global admin account):